Suleymaniye Mosque – Chapter 2

The second element; One of the exceptional components is the acoustic framework impossible to miss to the mosque; Architect Sinan took a shot at the acoustic framework to be heard the sermon. He attempted to be similarly dispersed the sound anyplace from a point. Likewise to make this framework, he profited the dishes.
The last component; Magnificent Sinan put the ostrich eggs between light bowls in ceiling fixtures yet when of advance, the quantity of eggs diminished and their shading started to get dark.The reason Sinan utilized in light of the fact that dry ostrich egg keeps the place by spreading a little from the scorpion, the creepy crawlies like the bug.
In the back patio there are occurred the tombs of Suleiman and his affection spouse Roxelane (Hurrem Sultan), and graves of other conspicuous individuals.
The most recent years, Suleymaniye Mosque experienced with the peril of falling. In the event that it couldn’t be kept the entire building would tumble down inside a brief timeframe. All the conveying weight was on its archs. The stones of the curve were exhausted. No one knew how the demolished stones could be repaired in light of the fact that there wasn’t any composed report giving data about it. All the qualified specialists and designers of Turkey were brought yet the issue wasn’t settled on the grounds that everybody had an alternate thought and it made a tumult.
At long last, one of them found a concealed gap. A bit of paper with a note composed on it was in the red. Composed with the Ottoman Turkish, paper analyzed by numerous authorities and was turned out to be real.It was made sense of this letter having a place with virtuoso Architect Sinan. He characterized how it would have been repaired word by word. They did what they were to do word by word and that way, Suleymaniye was spared. This letter is as yet being kept in the Topkapı Palace.
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