Fortress Of The Seven Towers Museum – Chapter 2

There was a colossal kettle dispatched with the nails keeping in mind the end goal to mistreatment the blameworthy individuals inside that room. The general population were executed in that frightening vat. Consequently it was called Torture Chamber (Room).
Bleeding WELL
There is a well going once more from Byzantine Era. Quite a long time ago, when the liable individuals were executed, their slicing heads were tossed to that marvelous well. Accordingly, those heads made the ridiculous view. Consequently the well takes its name from that wicked sight.
As a result of that at one time, Ottoman Sultan Osman II (called additionally Young Osman) was butchered in that part, it was notable as Young Osman Tower. Likewise numerous liable individuals were executed inside that segment.
When you venture into the tower, you see that there are discovered many torment instruments, haggle which symbolize that part as a passing and torment of tower. Moreover, the dividers of that area draw in the guests in light of the fact that there are discovered many names in Ottoman Turkish having a place with detainees were cut with their grisly nails on those dividers.
Weapons store TOWER
It is situated crosswise over Young Osman II Tower, on the north of Golden Door. Toward the starting utilized as the arsenal, this tower was additionally functioned as prison in the time of Ottoman and Byzantine.
Called firstly Pastroma Tower in Byzantine Time, that enchanting structure was named Ahmet after the reconstructing with octagonal shape by Ottoman Sultan Ahmet III in eighteenth century since it was pulverized because of a tremor. On account of that it was prevalently realized that Ahmet Tower.
After the success of Istanbul, that area was started to be utilized as the primary fortune chamber by Ottoman Empire. Inside that time, all gold, silver, gem and alternate valuable stuffs were kept in here.
It is one of two towers utilized as cell. That part was allocated for the respectable individuals; the lords, rulers and viziers were detained inside that area.
Being closest tower to Marmara Sea, the watch tower was inherent request to shield the city from any assaults originating from the ocean.
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