Blue Mosque – Chapter 3

Taking after the Peace of Zsitvatorok (1606) and the negative aftereffect of the wars with Persia, Sultan Ahmed I chose to fabricate an immense mosque in Istanbul. It would be the main extraordinary majestic mosque to be inherent more than forty years.His antecedents had paid for their mosques with their war goods, Sultan Ahmed I needed to pull back the assets from the treasury, since he had not won any outstanding triumphs amid his time. This incited the outrage of the Ottoman ulema, the Muslim lawful researchers.
The mosque was to be based on the site of the royal residence of the Byzantine heads, confronting the Hagia Sophia (around then it was most adored mosque in Istanbul) and the hippodrome, a site of extraordinary typical importance. Substantial parts of the southern side of the mosque lay on the establishment and vaults of the Great Palace. A few royal residences was at that point worked there, most strikingly the royal residence of Sokollu Mehmet Pasha, so these first must be purchased at an extensive cost and pulled down. Expansive parts of the Sphendone (bended tribune with U-formed structure of the hippodrome) were additionally expelled to make space for the new mosque. Development of the mosque began in August 1609 when the sultan himself came to break the primary grass. It was his goal this would turn into the main mosque of his domain.
He appointed his imperial draftsman Sedefhar Mehmet Ağa, a student and senior collaborator of the renowned designer Mimar Sinan to be accountable for the Mosque development. The association of the work was portrayed in fastidious detail in eight volumes, now found in the library of the Topkapı Palace. The opening services were held in 1617 . The sultan could now implore in the imperial box which called hünkâr mahfil. The building was not yet completed in this last year of his rule, as the last records were marked by his successor Mustafa I. Known as the Blue Mosque , Sultan Ahmed Mosque is as of now a standout amongst the most amazing landmarks on the planet.
At Blue Mosque bring down levels and at each dock, the inside of the mosque is fixed with more than 20,000 carefully assembled fired tiles, made at Iznik city (Nicaea) in more than fifty diverse tulip outlines. The tiles at lower levels are customary in plan, while at display level their outline gets to be distinctly colorful with speaking to blooms, foods grown from the ground. More than 20,000 tiles were made under the supervision of the Iznik ace potter Kasap Haci,and Baris Efendi from Avanos,Cappadocia. The cost to be paid for every tile was settled by the sultan’s decree,due tile costs by and large expanded after some time. Result is, the nature of the tiles utilized as a part of the building diminished steadily. Their hues have blurred and changed and the coatings have dulled. The tiles on the back overhang divider are restorated tiles from the group of concubines in the Topkapı Palace, when it was harmed by flame in 1574.
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