Sahaflar Bazaar (Old Book Bazaar)

Second-Hand Book Market or Old Book Bazaar is situated beside the recorded Bayezid Mosque, on Fatih, locale of Istanbul.
The name of that market, “”Sahaf”” implies the pages or book shop in Ottoman Turkish. In this way that name mirrors its capacity; Many years prior, the primary sahafs started to offer their antiquated books in madrasahs (moslem philosophical school) around the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul. A while later, when the entrancing Grand Bazaar was implicit 1460, those book shops were distributed and bunched here.
Be that as it may, the bazaar which has wealth of numerous different books was moved todays Sahaflar Bazaar which has known as the Engravers Market (Hakkatlar Carsisi in Turkish) until 1950.
Today from past that mind boggling market has encountered numerous occasions. When it is take a gander at the elements of sahaflar, it is said numerous things in regards to them. For instance; Sahaflar (Booksellers) was profoundly instructed to be ace about their work. Hence, they needed to encounter the time of apprenticeship and semiskilled. Additionally they had a savvy (author of request) named Abdullah Yetimi Efendi of Basra directing the arrangement of the society among those individuals and controlling them.
Aside from that, toward the starting having a place with the Guild of Sahaflar, the Old Book Bazaar extraordinarily contained antiquated book like Ottoman compositions, calligraphies and engravings of old time, course readings, new release books and second-hand books have been started to be sold so as to stay aware of our day. Moreover that, some time ago handouts being the generation of Ottoman were purchased and sold here.
In seventeenth century French creator, Antonie Galland sold an original copy with small scale here and offered it to the French lord as a present. It is said that this original copy is shown in National Library today.
Old Book Bazaar was totally harmed in a fire amid 1950 and a huge number of works were scorched to fiery debris. In this way Istanbul Metropolian Municipality associated here and transformed those wood structures into the fortified cement. In 1952, it was revived.
When you meander around that beguiling bazaar, you will see the bust of Ibrahim Müteferrika who was the pioneer of printing press and the principal individual distributing Turkish book in 1732, at the halfway of that place. After that eminent bust was raised in 1980, the parquets on the ground of the market were evacuated, rather than them, tiles with hexagonal were outfitted so as to be revamped that wonderful bazaar.
That beguiling business sector is not just the focal point of appropriation and deals, it is a meeting point for savvy people and the general population intrigued with the books.
Today, it is gone by numerous researchers, scholarly people and booklover.
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