The most established protected Mevlevihane in Istanbul, Mevlevi Dervish Lodge is situated at Galip Dede Street which takes its name from Sheik Galip Shrine the leader of the Galata dervish hold up, the highest point of the incline resting to Galata Tower at Beyoglu. It was worked by Ottoman grandee Iskender Pasha on the chasing hotel of him in 1491, the time of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II.
The main Mevlevi dervish stop worked in Istanbul, that intriguing structure covers roughly territory of 6,800 square meters. Quite a long time ago utilized as an area for dervishes, that quiet place was changed over into a structure which is given a training about Mevleviyeh.It draws in individuals not just with interesting pieces reflecting Ottoman period and Mevleviyeh, the beewax models, lighting and beguiling boards additionally it accommodates the visitors a guide bolster with sound and video.
A short time later called as Divan Edebiyati Muzesi (Divan Literature Museum), the inestimable building which reflects us the comprehension ofMevlana (the popular Anatolian mystic)about fallacy and sema (spinning) function. Today from past it has been notable with spinning function which symbolizes a supernatural trip of man’s otherworldly climb through psyche and love to “Great”. Spinning towards reality, his development, through adoration, abandons his sense of self, finds reality and scopes to the “Ideal”
Aside from those components, that stunning building got harmed and settled time to time;
The segments of Mevlevi Lodge Dervish Hall affected by Istanbul Earthquake named Little Doomsday (Kucuk Kiyamet in Turkish) in 1509 was transformed into a gigantic social complex by encountering numerous remodels since toward the start of seventeenth century.
The primary rebuilding was sorted out by Matbah Ismail Aga in the vicinity of 1649 and 1650. Hurt in a fire named as The Big Tophane Fire in 1765, Whirling Dervish Hall was repaired by terrific engineering Osman Efendi of Yenisehir at the demand of Ottoman Sultan Mustafa III in the vicinity of 1717 and 1774. In addition, accordingly of commitments of incredible Sheik Galip and Ottoman Sultan Selim III (1761-1807), there was an essential advancement upon the redesign of that development.
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