Which called Chora Museum, Chora Mosque or Chora Church is a standout amongst the most excellent surviving symbol of a Byzantine Art and Architecture.
Sequentially, toward the starting it was a congregation worked by Saint Theodius by request of Byzantine Emperor Justinious in 534, then in eleventh century it was reconstructed by relative of Emperor Alexious, Maria Doukaina. But,devastated amid Latin Invasion between (1204-1261), church was repaired by innovative draftsman Theodoros Metokhites in fourteenth century. He made utilization of the Renaissance engineering style by including the narthex and the paracclesion. After Ottoman Sultan Fatih Sultan Mehmet’s success of Istanbul, that repaired church was transformed into a mosque by the visier Ali Hadım Pasha like Hagia Sophia church. Finally it is utilized as a historical center at this point.
Aside from the history, when you take a gander at the engineering, it’s stylish magnificence pulls in you when stepping into the congregation. Entrancing fresco and mosaics adornment in this house of prayer. Additionally when you take a gander at the photos on the dividers, they reflecs Bible history, which is about the historical backdrop of Virgin Mary, his child Jesus Christ and the other religion subjects.
Likewise got from the antiquated Greek word Chora which implies outside of the city, Kariye gallery is situated in Edirnekapı, region of Istanbul. This glorious structure incorporates a couple of privileged insights;
And also the social focus, it incorporates exceptional tasteful magnificence and privileged insights.
To begin with SECRET
the marble plate situated in the side divider called Apsis astounds the people.Because there is a fossil of the necton living numerous years back! Likewise the fossillization on the marble has once in a while observed. So this is a heavenly case.
The marbles from Egypt and Thessalia were utilized to cover the working of Kariye historical center yet one of those marbles is so fascinating in light of the fact that it is four-leafed-clover shape.
Situated In the primary passage of the exhibition hall’s cantina, mosaic which is about the wedding function shows the history composed arabic numbers. It has not in any case been unraveled the code of that history.
In the part of the Chapel, there are two mosaics incorporated the figures with dark shading. This is so intriguing on the grounds that dark dress mirrors the puritan group which is seen later, in sixteenth century. However, those figures have a place with the thirteenth century, so that shows us there is an initial step into the puritan world.
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