Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque (Called Sultanahmet Camii in Turkish) was worked by Sedefkar Mehmet Aga in the sultan 1. Ahmet’s chance between (1609-1616) years. It is situated on the site of the Great Palace of Byzantium, on the southeastern side of the Hippodrome. It is called by Europeans as Blue on account of its inside blue tiles which was utilized more than 20.000 pieces.
The mosque is likewise famously known as a captivating structure its six minarets since it is just six minarets mosque in Turkey.
There are numerous legends about this mosque; one of them is about minarets. Sultan requested minarets to be produced using the gold to make an alternate style however there was no cash enough. Rather than this Sedefkar Mehmet Aga chose to assemble six minarets to see its uniqueness. The mosque is helped by 260 windows. It’s a piece of the love sizes 64×72 meters and its breadth is 23,5. There is an overwhelming portal produced using iron in the passage of the west yard. The state of this portal demonstrates the significance of the mosque on the grounds that at the time even sultan must be watchful when he came in this door. The mosque has a rectangular shape.Also there is a focal arch upheld by 4 half-vault ,4 diverse ways.
Blue Mosque has a component like social complex by including madrasa, Sultan Resting Mantion, Turkish shower, wellspring, healing facility, Mekteb-I Sıbyan, rental rooms and homes aside from mosque. The other essential structure of Blue mosque’s social complex is Sultan Resting Mansion which is a place worked for Sultan keeping in mind the end goal to rest after and before supplicate. Inside this place there are numerous tombs including Sultan 1. Ahmet, his significant other Kosem Sultan, and their children 4.Murat and 2. Osman in the northwest.
Other than being vacation destination point, it’s likewise a dynamic mosque, so it’s shut to non admirers for a half hour or so amid the five day by day supplications. Most ideal approach to see awesome design of the Blue Mosque is to approach it from the Hippodrome. (West side of the mosque) As in the event that you are non-Muslim guest, you likewise need to utilize same heading to enter the Mosque.
Today, there is a place named “Arasta” in the back of the mosque, encompassed by Mosaic Museum, the shops offering touristic materials. Blue Mosque is one the most well known vacation spot that likewise respects the acclaimed individuals including The pioneer of Catholic Church and USA’s Old President, Bill Clinton visit this mosque two circumstances.
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