Little Hagia Sophia

The little Hagia Sophia Mosque at the first was a congregation yet later transformed into a mosque. Toward the start, in the Byzantine Era it was developed by the request of Justinian I (the Emperor of Byzantine) and his significant other with a specific end goal to be utilized as a congregation for Monophysite Community in at some point between 527-536, just before Justinian constructed Hagia Sophia. Named after Sergius and Bacchus (the two principle holy people of Christians in the Roman armed force), it has been known as meager Hagia Sophia.
Little Hagia Sophia is taken set 30×34 square meter. Also, Its vault which 19 meters high is situated over the curve with eight-footed. Likewise that interesting building’s vault is compositionally magnifical and its arrangement – an unpredictable octagon – is completely abnormal, its inside area was initially ornamented with gold mosaics and highlighted sections produced using fine green and red marble like Hagia Sophia. The mosaics are exhausted, however the amazing segments remain. The congregation was transformed into a mosque by the Hüseyin Aga (boss white eunuch ) around 1500; his tomb is stayed forecourt of the mosque.
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